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Meta data ID {7AC01098-01EC-411E-81F3-7A7DB7111760}
Last modified 2024-05-13T15:11:23
Open/Close section Dataset creators
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First name Tiina
Last name Markkanen
Organisation Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
Open/Close section Dataset creators
First name Tiina
Last name Markkanen
Organisation Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI
Open/Close section Dataset creators
First name Ismo
Last name Lahtinen
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Open/Close section Project
Project name MONIMET
Project funder EU Life +
Project identifier LIFE07 ENV/FIN/000409
Open/Close section Description
Open/Close section Basic information
Dataset title JSBACH simulation dataset in Climate Guide
Theme Atmosphere and Climatic
Description The land ecosystem model JSBACH was used to produce annual values for key climate change indicators for the period 1981 to 2099. The climate change indicators were derived for all of mainland Finland and they include gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and start, end and length of vegetation active period. The mean values are given for four time periods, a baseline (1981–2010) and for three scenario periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2099). Additionally changes from the baseline are given for the scenario periods. The dataset contains simulations results for selected response variables of JSBACH model for 2 climate change scenarios (RCP4.5, 8.5) and 5 and 4 climate model inputs, respectively.
Language (dataset) English
Keyword carbon
Keyword boreal
Keyword climate change
Keyword simulation
Keyword vegetation phenology
Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps sampling
Description Plant functional type distribution in JSBACH simulations for Finland is based on Finnish Corine land cover 2012 data and aggregated to a 0.1 x 0.1 degree geographic grid. Yearly values are calculated from daily model output and further averaged for thirty year periods.
Additional information (URL)
Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps processing
Description The land surface model resolves plant functional type specific GPP, TER and NEE values for each grid cell within the model domain. Those are subsequently aggregated to grid cell specific values. Start and end of vegetation active period are estimated from GPP using an assumption that GPP of the active period exceeds 15% of the summertime GPP maximum. Agricultural plant functional types have been excluded from calculation of vegetation active period. Values for 30 year periods have further been interpolated to planar grid of resolution of 10km.
Additional information (URL)
Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps quality control
Description JSBACH present day GPP estimates have been compared against PREBAS (PRELES) model for Finland in Peltoniemi et al (2015). The timing of spring events due to vegetation phenology in Finland has been assessed against satellite observations by Böttcher et al (2016). The ability of the model to estimate the drought risk of Finnish forest ecosystems have been assessed by Gao et al (2016).
Open/Close section Material time period
Start date 1981-01-01
End date 2099-12-31
Open/Close section Area
West Bounding Longitude 19.33
East Bounding Longitude 31.53
South Bounding Latitude 59.79
North Bounding Latitude 70.07
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Open/Close section ???catalog.gxe.sykeResearch.pidTitle
Action (default: None) none
Reserved DOI 10.48488/acta-dg79
Open/Close section Contact person
First name Stefan
Last name Fronzek
Email Stefan.Fronzek[at]
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Maps of the climate change indicators and descriptive statistics for Finland or selected regions can be viewed in under the section ‘Impacts of climate change’. The following indicators are available from JSBACH simulations: gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), net ecosystem exchange (NEE)and start, end and length of vegetation active period. The user can select maps showing the mean values for four time periods, a baseline (1981–2010) and for three scenario periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100). Additionally changes from the baseline can be viewed for a given scenario period.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description The data can be accessed via a Web Feature Service (WFS) supporting versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0. WFS services can be opened in various GIS applications, for example ArcGIS for Desktop and open source desktop application QGIS. Typically, the GIS applications loads data from a WFS service in a GML (Geography Markup Language) format. Additionally, the Monimet data can be loaded as zip compressed ESRI Shape files, a CSV file or a JSON file. The service includes 6 feature types representing JSBACH simulations. tereco_grossphotosynthesisjsbach - Gross primary production, JSBACH model (gC/m2/a) tereco_netcarbonbalancejsbach - Net ecosystem exchange, JSBACH model (gC/m2/a) tereco_totalrespirationjsbach - Total ecosystem respiration rate TER, JSBACH model (gC/m2/a) tereco_vapendjsbach - End of vegetation active period, JSBACH model (day of year) tereco_vaplengthjsbach - Length of vegetation active period, JSBACH model (days) tereco_vapstartjsbach - Start of vegetation active period, JSBACH model (day of year) The attributes of each feature type are labelled as [climateModel]_[emissionScenario]_[timePeriod]_0_[valueType]. There are five climate models. canesm2bc - CanESM2 cnrmcm5bc - CNRM-CM5 gfdlcm3bc - GFDL-CM3 hadgem2esbc - HadGEM2-ES miroc5bc - MIROC5 There are three emission scenarios. rcp26 - RCP 2.6 rcp45 - RCP 4.5 rcp85 - RCP 8.5 The timePeriod includes the start year and the end year of the period respectively. There are three options for valueType. rc - relative change ac - absolute change av - value For example, the attribute labeled as hadgem2es_rcp45_20712100_0_ac describes the climate model HadGEM2-ES, the emission scenario RCP 4.5, a time period from 2011 to 2040 and absolute changes.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Maps of the climate change indicators and descriptive statistics for Finland or selected regions can be viewed in under the section ‘Impacts of climate change’. The following indicators are available from JSBACH simulations: gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), net ecosystem exchange (NEE)and start, end and length of vegetation active period. The user can select maps showing the mean values for four time periods, a baseline (1981–2010) and for three scenario periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100). Additionally changes from the baseline can be viewed for a given scenario period.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Reference publications
Reference Böttcher K., T. Markkanen, T. Thum, T. Aalto, M. Aurela, C. H. Reick, P. Kolari, A. N. Arslan & Pulliainen, J., 2016: Evaluating Biosphere Model Estimates of the Start of the Vegetation Active Season in Boreal Forests by Satellite Observations. Remote Sens., 8(7), 580. Available from, doi:10.3390/rs8070580.
Reference Gao Y., Markkanen T., Thum T., Aurela M., Lohila A., Mammarella I., Hagemann S. & Aalto T, 2016: Assessing various drought indicators in representing drought in boreal forests in Finland. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 20, 175–191. Available from,
Reference Peltoniemi M., Markkanen T., Härkönen S., Muukkonen P., Thum T., Aalto T. & Mäkelä A. , 2015: Consistent estimates of gross primary production of Finnish forests — comparison of estimates of two process models. Boreal Env. Res. 20: 196–212. Available from,

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