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Meta data ID {31F4499F-5F0F-4500-967B-6C275082A3AD}
Last modified 2024-05-24T10:09:53
Open/Close section Dataset creators
Open/Close section Contact person
First name Kristin
Last name Böttcher
Email kristin.bottcher [at]
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute
Open/Close section Dataset creators
First name Kristin
Last name Böttcher
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute
Open/Close section Dataset creators
First name Mikko
Last name Kervinen
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute
Open/Close section Project
Project name Monimet - "Climate change indicators and vulnerability of boreal zone applying innovative observations and modeling techniques 2013-2017; SnowCarbo - Monitoring and assessment of carbon balance related phenomena in Finland and northern Eurasia 2009-2012; EIFFEL- GEOSS applications for climate change; FEO- Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Project funder EU Life+ 2012 Environment Policy and Governance; EU LIFE+ 2007 Environment Policy and Governance; European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme; Finnish Ministry of the Environment
Project identifier LIFE12ENV/FI/000409; LIFE07ENV/FIN/000133; Grant Agreement 101003518; VN/5082/2020
Open/Close section Description
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Dataset title Kasvukauden alku havumetsissä / Start of vegetation period in coniferous forest
Theme Biology and Ecology
Description The data set consists of yearly maps of the start of the vegetation active period (VAP) in coniferous forest (Day of Year), which is defined as the day when coniferous trees start to photosynthesize in spring. The data set was derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spetroradiometer (MODIS) satellite observation of Fractional Snow Cover. The day when snow cover decreases during spring melt was used as a proxy indicator for the beginning of the start of the vegetation active period.
Language (dataset) English
Keyword vegetation phenology
Keyword coniferous forest
Keyword boreal zone
Keyword phenology
Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps sampling
Description Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Terra Level 1B (1 km, 500 m),version 5 (V005) data were manually selected from the Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS DAAC) for the period 2001-2008. For years 2009 - 2014 data were obtained from the satellite receiving station of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)in Sodankylä, Finland and gap-filled with data from LAADS DAAC. For years 2015 onwards version 6 (V006) data were obtained from LAADS DAAC. Terra Level 1B version 6.1 (V061) was used starting from 2022 onwards.
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Data processing steps processing
Description MODIS Level 1B data were calibrated to top-of-atmosphere reflectances and projected to a geographic latitude/longitude grid (datum WGS-84) using the software envimon by Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT). Fractional Snow Cover (FSC)[0 1] was determined using the method by Metsämäki et al. (2012). FSC product specification are detailed in Böttcher et al. (2017). Cloud covered observations were removed using an automatic cloud masking algorithm by the Finnish Environment Institute. Metsämäki, S., Mattila, O.-P., Pulliainen, J., Niemi, K., Luojus, K., & Böttcher, K. (2012). An optical reflectance model-based method for fractional snow cover mapping applicable to continental scale. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 508-521. Böttcher, K., Kervinen, M., Keto, V., Luojus, K., Manninen, T., Metsämäki, S., & Rautiainen, K. (2017). Report on EO products and comparison with in situ data, Monimet project deliverable, (accessed 27.07.2017).
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Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps processing
Description For the extraction of the start of vegetation active period (VAP), FSC was averaged at a spatial resolution of 0.05 x 0.05 degrees for MODIS pixels with dominant coverage of coniferous forest according to the CORINE Land Cover classification. A sigmoid function was fitted to the averaged FSC-time series and the start of the VAP was determined when FSC equals 0.99. The yearly maps were filtered with a median filter to remove spurious outliers and fill spatial gaps and the product was re-projected to EUREF-FIN (ETRS-TM35FIN). Lakes were masked. Böttcher, K., Aurela, M., Kervinen, M., Markkanen, T., Mattila, O.-P., Kolari, P., Metsämäki, S., Aalto, T., Arslan, A.N., & Pulliainen, J. (2014). MODIS time-series-derived indicators for the beginning of the growing season in boreal coniferous forest — A comparison with CO2 flux measurements and phenological observations in Finland. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 625-638.
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Data processing steps quality control
Description The product was compared to the start of VAP (the day when the Gross Primary Production (GPP) exceeded 15% of its summer maximum) from ground observations at 3 eddy covariance measurement sites in Finland. Satellite observations were highly correlated (R2=0.7) with the ground observations of VAP and the accuracy was 9 days for the period 2001-2016. The satellite product was in average 3 days late compared to the ground observations. The accuracy was higher (6 days, R2=0.84) and no bias was observed in pine forest compared to spruce forest that showed larger deviations to ground observations. The product is based on a proxy indicator for the start of VAP from optical satellite time series of FSC and it is therefore not a direct observation of the beginning of photosynthesis in trees. For years with very few snow, the direct effect of low temperature and high light are more relevant for the restriction of photosynthetic recovery in spring and therefore the method based on FSC may fail. A main source of uncertainty in the detection method is the frequent cloud cover. The temporal resolution of the FSC time series is one day, but missing observations due to cloud cover lead to gaps. Especially long temporal gaps (up to 1 month) were observed in northern Finland for year 2002, therefore the area of northern Finland was masked for this year. FSC time series with gaps longer than two weeks during the snow melt were discarded.
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Open/Close section Material time period
Start date 2001-01-01
End date 2022-12-31
Open/Close section Area
West Bounding Longitude 19
East Bounding Longitude 32
South Bounding Latitude 58
North Bounding Latitude 71
Open/Close section Distribution
Open/Close section ???catalog.gxe.sykeResearch.pidTitle
Action (default: None) publishDoi
Reserved DOI 10.48488/0wb5-y378
Published DOI 10.48488/0wb5-y378
Open/Close section Contact person
First name Kristin
Last name Böttcher
Email kristin.bottcher [at]
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Web map application presenting yearly maps and averages of the start of vegetation active period for coniferous forests and for deciduous vegetation during 2001-2022 in Finland.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Dataset for download consists of yearly files for the period 2001-2022(GEOTIFFS) for the start of the vegetation active period in coniferous forest in Finland. For 2002 only Southern Finland is available, because of missing observation.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description WMS interface
Web-address (URL)
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Resource content description ESRI REST interface
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Web map application presenting yearly maps and averages of the start of vegetation active period for coniferous forests and for deciduous vegetation during 2001-2022 in Finland.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Reference publications
Reference Böttcher, K., Aurela, M., Kervinen, M., Markkanen, T., Mattila, O.-P., Kolari, P., Metsämäki, S., Aalto, T., Arslan, A.N., & Pulliainen, J. (2014). MODIS time-series-derived indicators for the beginning of the growing season in boreal coniferous forest — A comparison with CO2 flux measurements and phenological observations in Finland. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 625-638,

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