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Meta data ID {186E1CEB-9361-4597-A3BA-EBE236D461AC}
Last modified 2024-05-13T15:11:47
Open/Close section Dataset creators
Open/Close section Contact person
First name Mikko
Last name Peltoniemi
Organisation Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Open/Close section Dataset creators
First name Mikko
Last name Peltoniemi
Organisation Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Open/Close section Dataset creators
First name Ismo
Last name Lahtinen
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Open/Close section Project
Project name MONIMET
Project funder EU Life+
Project identifier LIFE07 ENV/FIN/000133
Open/Close section Description
Open/Close section Basic information
Dataset title PREBAS simulation dataset in Climate Guide
Theme Atmosphere and Climatic
Description The land ecosystem model PREBAS was used to produce annual values for key climate change indicators for the period 1981 to 2100. The climate change indicators were derived for mainland Finland and they include gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), forest growth and start, end and length of vegetation active period. The mean values are given for four time periods, a baseline (1981–2010) and for three scenario periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100). Additionally changes from the baseline are given for the scenario periods.
Language (dataset) English
Keyword carbon
Keyword growth
Keyword boreal
Keyword forest
Keyword climate change
Keyword simulation
Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps sampling
Description The climate change simulations were carried out by combining PREBAS model to information derived from 16 m resolution multisource forest inventory data maps. These maps represent the distribution of forest resources and species across Finland in high detail. For the climate change simulations here, we split forest resource maps to 8 km x 8 km areas, i.e. grid cells. For speeding up the calculation we sampled every fourth grid cell, and assumed their data represented that of a larger 16 km x 16 km area. For each simulated grid cell we simulated 50 most dominant forest classes using their areas in the grid cell as criteria. Remaining area that usually was only a small proportion of the dominant class area was distributed to the 50 dominant classes in proportion to their areas. Classes represented different combinations of dominant tree species, age, basal area and mean diameter at breast height (dbh), soil fertility (scale <=2, 3, 4, 5, >=6, according to the Finnish classification system of Cajander 1949)), and soil type (peat soil or mineral soil). Thereafter, the simulated annual values in these classes were aggregated to grid cell level using their areas calculated from 16 km resolution forest maps. Climate data from the nearest climate grid point was used for each 16 km forest simulation grid cell. These datasets contain simulations results for selected response variables of PREBAS forest model for 3 climate change scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5, 8.5) and 5 climate model inputs.
Additional information (URL)
Open/Close section Data processing steps
Data processing steps processing
Description Simulations for the period 1981-2100 were split to four 30 year periods. The periods were simulated independently of each other. At the beginning of each period, forest state variables (i.e. forest data) were initialized with the forest inventory data of 2011. During the simulations, PREBAS harvested the simulated forests following the Tapio rules. This means that harvests were somewhat higher than recorded in harvest statistics for the reference period (1981-2010), but the reported growth values are likely little affected. Conservations areas were not managed at all.
Additional information (URL)
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Data processing steps quality control
Description The PREBAS model and various tests has have been described in detail elsewhere (Peltoniemi et al., 2015a, Minunno et al., 2016, Valentini and Mäkelä 2008, Minunno et al., submitted). The modelled GPP has been compared to GPP of JSBACH model earlier (Peltoniemi et al., 2015b). Source code and the model parameters of the GPP and water balance submodule are available at (release 1.0). The GPP and water components of the model originate from re-calibration of the model to eddy-covariance at 10 sites in Scandinavia (Minunno et al. 2016).
Additional information (URL) (release 1.0)
Open/Close section Material time period
Start date 1981-01-01
End date 2099-12-31
Open/Close section Area
West Bounding Longitude 19.33
East Bounding Longitude 31.53
South Bounding Latitude 59.75
North Bounding Latitude 70.07
Open/Close section Distribution
Open/Close section ???catalog.gxe.sykeResearch.pidTitle
Action (default: None) none
Reserved DOI 10.48488/whw4-h841
Open/Close section Contact person
First name Stefan
Last name Fronzek
Email Stefan[at]
Organisation Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Maps of the climate change indicators and descriptive statistics for Finland or selected regions can be viewed in under the section ‘Impacts of climate change’. The following indicators are available from PREBAS simulations: gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), forest growth and start, end and length of vegetation active period. The user can select maps showing the mean values for four time periods, a baseline (1981–2010) and for three scenario periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100). Additionally, changes from the baseline can be viewed for a given scenario period.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description The data can be accessed via a Web Feature Service (WFS) supporting versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0. WFS services can be opened in various GIS applications, for example ArcGIS for Desktop and open source desktop application QGIS. Typically, the GIS application loads data from a WFS service in a GML (Geography Markup Language) format. Additionally, the data can be loaded as zip compressed ESRI Shape files, a CSV file or a JSON file. The service includes 7 feature types representing PREBAS simulations. tereco_grossphotosynthesispreles - Gross primary production, PREBAS model (gC/m2/a) tereco_growthpreles - Growth, PREBAS model (m3/ha/a) tereco_netcarbonbalancepreles - Net ecosystem exchange, PREBAS model (gC/m2/a) tereco_totalrespirationpreles - Total ecosystem respiration rate TER, PREBAS model (gC/m2/a) tereco_vapendpreles - End of vegetation active period, PREBAS model (day of year) tereco_vaplengthpreles - Length of vegetation active period, PREBAS model (days) tereco_vapstartpreles - Start of vegetation active period, PREBAS model (day of year) The attributes of each feature type are labelled as [climateModel]_[emissionScenario]_[timePeriod]_0_[valueType]. There are five climate models. canesm2bc - CanESM2 cnrmcm5bc - CNRM-CM5 gfdlcm3bc - GFDL-CM3 hadgem2esbc - HadGEM2-ES miroc5bc - MIROC5 There are three emission scenarios. rcp26 - RCP 2.6 rcp45 - RCP 4.5 rcp85 - RCP 8.5 The timePeriod includes the start year and the end year of the period, respectively. There are three options for valueType. rc - relative change ac - absolute change av - value For example, the attribute labeled as hadgem2es_rcp45_20712100_0_ac describes the climate model HadGEM2-ES, the emission scenario RCP 4.5, a time period from 2011 to 2040 and absolute changes.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Resources
Resource content description Maps of the climate change indicators and descriptive statistics for Finland or selected regions can be viewed in under the section ‘Impacts of climate change’. The following indicators are available from PREBAS simulations: gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), forest growth and start, end and length of vegetation active period. The user can select maps showing the mean values for four time periods, a baseline (1981–2010) and for three scenario periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100). Additionally, changes from the baseline can be viewed for a given scenario period.
Web-address (URL)
Open/Close section Reference publications
Reference Minunno F, Peltoniemi M, Launiainen S, Aurela M, Lindroth A, Lohila A, Mammarella I, Minkkinen K, Mäkelä A, 2016. Calibration and validation of a semi-empirical flux ecosystem model for coniferous forests in the Boreal region. Ecological Modelling 341:37-52, Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.09.020
Reference Peltoniemi M, Pulkkinen M, Aurela M, Pumpanen J, Kolari P, Mäkelä A (2015a) A semi-empirical model of boreal forest gross primary production, evapotranspiration, and soil water – calibration and sensitivity analysis. Bor Env Res 20:151-171. Available from,
Reference Peltoniemi M., Markkanen T., Härkönen S., Muukkonen P., Thum T., Aalto T. & Mäkelä A. 2015b: Consistent estimates of gross primary production of Finnish forests — comparison of estimates of two process models. Boreal Env. Res. 20: 196–212. Available from,
Reference Valentine HT, Mäkelä A. Bridging process-based and empirical approaches to modeling tree growth. Tree Physiology. 2005;25(7):769-779.

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